Why Fertilty Is Important In Business.

Fertility is usually not a concept or a word used to talk about business.

It is usually used in things people deem most important, e.g. Human reproduction & Agriculture

Business provides money, and I think succeeding in business is just as significant as having children and growing food.

If you have children, food and have a 9-5 job, that's cool.

If you have children + food, and you don't have a 9-5, you'll need money to meet other aspects of their needs.

If your business produces profits in trickles, you will not find the job or parenting very easy.

Even if you are not married or have kids, you have other needs and responsibilities that you have to care for with the money that comes from your business.

The opposite of Fertility is barrenness/emptiness/dryness.

If a land is not fertile, it produces poor yields.

Seeds planted in it will grow crops, but these crops will not be the kind that will attract buyers if they are sold in the market.

Have you ever tried to buy fresh food in the market before?

There are some vegetables that you'll see that will just annoy you.
You will not even bother pricing it.

To that farmer, he has produce, but the produce he has does not have the capacity to be converted to cash he can use for other things.

He may end up eating the crops with his family, but we both know what happens when you eat your seed.

You will have nothing more to plant.

This reminds me of my mum’s business and why meat, especially chicken and Turkey, don’t freak me out again.

My mother used to have a frozen foods business. She sold chicken, turkey, fish, gizzards etc

Some days, NEPA will just show themselves and we won’t see light in the shop.

The generator will not be able to stay on for so long to freeze the meat in the freezer because of petrol consumption, especially overnight.

Sometimes, she would open her shop the next day and the meat would be slimy.

You can’t sell slimy meat to customers, so we will start washing meat & cleaning meat to remove the sliminess and then lay them down directly in the freezer and up against the freezer walls so they can be stronger.

After all these gymnastics, some meat won't be salvaged & cannot be sold, so she takes the next possible action to prevent waste.

She’ll cut everything and bring it home.

We will wash this thing like 100 times and over season it, but the chicken will still have a small taste issue.

We will eat Jollof rice with chicken that has a slightly bad taste.

I ate chicken and Turkey, both good and slightly bad, so much growing up that when I got to the University and I went out to eat with my friends, I would forget my meat on my plate.

My friends liked going out to eat with me at Mama Abuja in Uniport because Joy will not want her meat.

My Point in all these:
All that slightly bad chicken we were forced to eat to avoid waste, was my mother's seed.

If she uses ₦100,000 to buy cartons of chicken and ₦20,000 of that amount gets bad, it reduces her capacity to buy more.

The profit made on the ₦80,000 stock that she was able to sell Would have been spent on fuel and other small stuff.

This is why Fertile business is very important.

A Fertile business produces enough to retain its seed.

It is one that has enough contingency plans to cover up from the inadequacies of the government where it lives.

A business able to make profit enough to save from. 

One that is structured enough to pay your salary as the business owner & still have more money to put in savings and business growth.

For some business owners, this is not the case.

You make just enough sales to repurchase stock and feed yourself with.

To make sales, you need customers. Customers buy what you have.

If nobody buys what you have, you are left with just stock.

Money tied down that you cannot use to do anything.

You need to focus on getting paying customers and closing sales.

If you sell shoes, you cannot walk into a supermarket and say
"I want to pay you with shoes"

"This shoe is worth ₦10k, so I will be paying with it"

You'll be chased out.

You cannot pay for things in e-books or courses.

You need to convert those things to money, and that money is in the hands of people.

These people are called customers.

You don't need any kind of customer, you need "Paying Customers".

To the supermarket above, you walked in so you look like a customer but you are not a paying one.
You are not useful to them.

I like to call paying customers “Fertile Audience” because they are full of life and money and produce good results for you.

Tap on Image for a clearer view

You require a lot of these people and you have to find them, bring them and keep them coming to you.

A person who needs something & goes out in search of that thing has a higher chance of finding it than someone else who only sits and waits for what they need to come to them.

I am sure you have seen businesses/shops with young people outside it asking you to come in.

These people are aware that there is competition and by beckoning(finding) on you, they increase their chances of making a sale over a business that just sits there waiting, especially if the waiting business does not have street cred.

I hope I have been able to make you understand why fertility is important in business.

I have experienced both ends and I will tell you about them soon.

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