Why I shut down my Perfume business and how it can help you grow.
I want to tell you about what happens when erosion meets you in a business, using myself as an example. I have been using agriculture as a foundation to show you why you should apply fertility to business, so I will still use it to give you this gist. In Agriculture, Erosion is something farmers experience that is usually beyond their control. Erosion means the gradual destruction or diminution of something. This is typically caused by wind, water and other natural agents that the farmer cannot control. In January 2021, I started my own fragrance business by myself after leaving the other one I was managing. I started well. Product, Experience from the past, sales knowledge, encouragement etc I was on the right track. My ads were converting, I was selling and I was doing really well. By month 3, I had done way better than I was doing in the other business I left. I even sent out care packages to those who supported me as a way of saying thank you. By the first week of the fourth m...