
Showing posts from May, 2022

Business Lessons from the Sperm of the Human Male

  Do you know what happens when a man submits his sperm for evaluation? It is selected and sieved like beans. There is this doctor I follow on TikTok and I saw her do this. Here is how it works: The Sperm will be poured on a flat surface and then magnified. You get to see each sperm cell as an individual, not a group. In this view, I saw the dead ones. She explained that they were dead because they were not moving. I saw the ones hanging on for life. They were shaking and dancing as reluctantly as a small child that was forced to the dance floor. The healthy ones were dancing like there was a price. These living ones were easy to spot because they were shaking up and down. Like they were trying to win "the best dancer". The action a batch of sperm takes helps in knowing if a man is solid or if he is just shooting blanks. If there are more dead sperm cells, the man needed treatment. If they were more dancing cells, the man was good to go and his sperm would be used for whateve...